Happy Thanksgiving Joce. I miss you so much and the holidays are especially hard. I have been thinking about our "plan of attack" to tackle the Black Friday shopping. Now, whenever I look at a sale flyer I cry. We have such great memories of our Thanksgivings and Black Friday sprees. I can't believe this is the first year without you, Mom and I being together. I talked to her though and she is cooking as usual (for a small army) and this year it is only the two of them. Of course Emory relayed his typical "I don't think your making enough food" comment followed quickly with "I want plenty of leftovers". I asked if she was making a veggy tray - your duty so that you could feel a part of "cooking" the Thanksgiving feast :-) I cry every time I see a red pepper now. Though you can't be with us and though none of us are together physically, we are always, and will always be together in spirit. Though right now I need things to be different because they are so different, so lonely. I know you want us to carry on and remember. I promise you I will. I love you Joce. You are the best big sis ever and I would't change that for anything! p.s. sorry you had to wait 2 hours in the mall while I got my curtains last year :-) I love you!!!!
Hey Joce , Went somewhere this past weekend were we made a lot of memories! Charlston WV. My niece played in the State Volleyball championship as a sophmore and quess what, she did something we never did WON!!! That was the first time I had been there since we were there for basketball. Brought back some memories! You would have been proud of her like I was, she has I guess a little bit of my blood in her being in sports and going to state!! Miss and Love you Jocelyn!! Talk to you soon!!!
Jocelyn theres so many things that I want to say..I miss you all the time. College is going pretty well. I'm taking some pretty good classes. All of which are required for the Doctorate of Physical Therapy program.You are my hero.When I have a bad day I think of your strength and determination that you demonstrated everyday and it gets me by.The bond we had was unexplainable and only truly understood between us.We knew it without always saying it.I try and stay positive about everything, but sometimes its hard.You give me so much strength.I went and saw Tuxey the other day at heathers. You'll be glad to know hes as fat as ever.I felt very comforted around him and I think he felt the same way.Joseph and Katelin are growing up so fast its crazy.Joseph had his first day of Kindergarten the other day.You would be proud of them.I sometimes feel as if I'm growing up too fast.I still remember running around outside catching frogs as if it were yesterday.I feel your presence all the time.I truly do feel as if you are apart of me and its important to me that I become a woman that is kind and thoughtful, but most of all a person that would would make you and others proud.I sometimes feel that you teach me knew things everyday.Just know that we love you and that we will stand behind you until the end of time.I love you jocelyn and know that just as you never truly leave us, we are with you and will never leave you.
Death is nothing at all
I have only slipped away into the next room
I am I and you are you
Whatever we were to each other
That we are still
Call me by my old familiar name
Speak to me in the easy way you always used
Put no difference into your tone
Wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow
Laugh as we always laughed
At the little jokes we always enjoyed together
Play, smile, think of me, pray for me
Let my name be ever the household word that it always was
Let it be spoken without effort
Without the ghost of a shadow in it
Life means all that it ever meant
It is the same as it ever was
There is absolute unbroken continuity
What is death but a negligible accident?
Why should I be out of mind
Because I am out of sight?
I am waiting for you for an interval
Somewhere very near
Just around the corner
All is well."
-Canon Henry Scott-Holland, 1847-1918, Canon of St Paul's Cathedral-

Hey Joce, just wanted to stop by and tell you I miss you more and more everyday, I have been going through some pictures I found in my parents atic. WoW how much we have changed. From the clothes we used to wear, and our hair. What can I say looking at those pictures at my house to basketball camp to high scholl sports, or going to see the Redskins. We had soooo much fun when we were growing up. I would give anyting to go back there, they were the best of times. I keep in contact with your friends In VA, Laura and I went to visit them not too long ago just to hang out and talk about the good memories we all had with you. Your friends Jennifer, Marcy,Maysa and Dara are wonderful Joce, I can see why they are your friends. We all Love and Miss you. I just want you to know your sister is hanging in there she is dealing with a lot but she is strong she will be ok. She might not feel that way but she is. She just misses loves you so much. Well Jocelyn I want you to know I think of you every single day, your in my heart forever. I Love you.....