Jocelyn D. Branham Earnest - Online Memorial Website

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Jocelyn Branham Earnest
Born in West Virginia
38 years
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your sis again
Hey Joce!  I was sitting at Oceans playing machines tonight (I know you wouldn't approve of me wasting my money but I was winning... or at least came out even) and the Sara McLaughlan (sp?) song Angel came on.  I had to leave.  Everywhere I think of you and I try to be happy with my thoughts but my tears of sadness come.  I miss you SOOOOOO very much!  I started thinking about us tape recording off our little silver boom box on our bunk beads.  Vegimite Sandwhich, Chicago and all those wonderful 80's songs.  Joce, I love you and I miss you so much.  I just want to see your smiling face again and hear your voice.  I love you!!!!
Laura (sis)
Today Joce, I was just thinking about when we were young and wanted to surprise Mom with a birthday cake.  We baked a boxed sheet cake and then got experimental with the icing and food dyes.  Of course we didn't think twice about icing the still warm cake on the still warm oven.  Remember that rainbow mess we made.  Mom smiled and was so happy.  I think about you all the time and every memory is precious... so many I have and will treasure always.  I am sure I will pop in from time to time and let you know what I thought of that day.  I LOVE AND MISS YOU GOSHY!
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