Jocelyn D. Branham Earnest - Online Memorial Website

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Jocelyn Branham Earnest
Born in West Virginia
38 years
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M I love you J! September 4, 2008

Hey J, I had a victory last week and though it was a good day, the pain of not having you here to share it with me was overwhelming.  Your absence is so real and painful that I can't find the words to describe it at times.  I held strong and stood my ground and it paid off. Its all because my strength comes from the memories of our conversations and your words of encouragement.  My burden is someone elses now and my shoulders are much lighter, just like you said they would be. 


I love you J, and continue my journey through life with the sparkle from your eye and the joy of your laughter guiding me through tomorrow knowing that you are there for me, my own angel. I felt you most when the bad got worse and the good got better.  My dreams are of us talking and planning next steps, giving me encouragement that I need when I need it the most.


Until my next dream ...


I hear this song often and think of you:


Sunny days seem to hurt the most
Wear the pain like a heavy coat
I feel you everywhere I go
I see your smile, I see your face
I hear your laugh' in the rain
I still can't believe you're gone

Would you see the world (yes you would)
Would you chase your dreams (yes you did)
Settle down with a family (with all of our families)
I wonder what would you name your babies (Rowdy, Rufus ...)
Somedays the sky's so blue
I feel like I can talk to you
And I know it might sound crazy

It ain't fair you died too young
Like a story that had just begun
But death tore the pages all away
God knows how I miss you
All the hell that I've been through
Just knowing, no one could take your place
Sometimes I wonder, who you'd be today

Emily Kerns to you from me. September 2, 2008

Jocelyn theres so many things that I want to say..I miss you all the time. College is going pretty well. I'm taking some pretty good classes. All of which are required for the Doctorate of Physical Therapy program.You are my hero.When I have a bad day I think of your strength and determination that you demonstrated everyday and it gets me by.The bond we had was unexplainable and only truly understood between us.We knew it without always saying it.I try and stay positive about everything, but sometimes its hard.You give me so much strength.I went and saw Tuxey the other day at heathers. You'll be glad to know hes as fat as ever.I felt very comforted around him and I think he felt the same way.Joseph and Katelin are growing up so fast its crazy.Joseph had his first day of Kindergarten the other day.You would be proud of them.I sometimes feel as if I'm growing up too fast.I still remember running around outside catching frogs as if it were yesterday.I feel your presence all the time.I truly do feel as if you are apart of me and its important to me that I become a woman that is kind and thoughtful, but most of all a person that would would make you and others proud.I sometimes feel that you teach me knew things everyday.Just know that we love you and that we will stand behind you until the end of time.I love you jocelyn and know that just as you never truly leave us, we are with you and will never leave you.  


Death is nothing at all

I have only slipped away into the next room

I am I and you are you

Whatever we were to each other

That we are still

Call me by my old familiar name

Speak to me in the easy way you always used

Put no difference into your tone

Wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow

Laugh as we always laughed

At the little jokes we always enjoyed together

Play, smile, think of me, pray for me

Let my name be ever the household word that it always was

Let it be spoken without effort

Without the ghost of a shadow in it

Life means all that it ever meant

It is the same as it ever was

There is absolute unbroken continuity

What is death but a negligible accident?

Why should I be out of mind

Because I am out of sight?

I am waiting for you for an interval

Somewhere very near

Just around the corner

All is well."

-Canon Henry Scott-Holland, 1847-1918, Canon of St Paul's Cathedral-

Great Bridge High School Mom May Justice be Swift! August 18, 2008
I have met Asst. Principal Dr Earnest in person back in February, 2007.  He was very jumpy.  When my husband and I met with him one day, when I stood up from where I was sitting down to shake his hand, he jerked back, and I commented to my husband later, did he think I was going to hit him, and my husband said I thought so.  I said so did I.  It seemed very unusual to me that a school administrator would act like that to a parent.  In his conversations to us, he was very cold and calous, and unemotional.  He did not seemed concerned for my child or his well being.  He showed no compassion, no emotion.  I was very upset about that meeting and his demeanor and wrote to plenty of people within the school system of his behavior.  There was no acknowledgement of it.  To me, back then, he seemed emotionally unstable.  When I saw what had happened not even a year later, it did not surprise me.  He seemed so cold and calous in his actions when I met him, that unfortunately, I could see him doing such a cold and calous murder. May justice be swift Jocelyn.  And may your family be comforted in God's love and grace.
s. wisnoski what is pure, and who takes that away? May 30, 2008
we were first loves, young and and didn't have a care in the world, but what time was her mom going to call her in off of the court, where we played ball for days it seemed. then my family moved away, not by my choice, and i lost contact with joce, 20 years later, i found her again, although when we met again it felt like we didn't miss a day, she always carried that facade. she is the sun that shines on your face, and im sorry i missed alot of that. the last time i had talked to her, i had told her that i was writing a song about her, and that it was half finished, im sorry girl, when i finish it i hope you can hear it, cause i will always feel it. im sorry i never got to tell you i loved you. this ones for you girl.............. love scott.
Patricia God Bless You March 27, 2008

My children attend GBHS.   I never met Jocelyn.   By reading all the beautiful things your friends and loved ones have written...I know you were  a very special daughter, friend, and sister.   Jocelyn is now your Guardian Angel.  God Bless.

Sean S. Murphy Lexington, SC March 4, 2008

My family used to go camping & canoeing with Laura, Jocelyn & Bill in Arkansas.  I hadn't seen them in a few years, but still cherish those memories. My thoughts are with Bill & Laura at this diffifcult time. My condolences on the horrible loss.

Todd Johnston Toddus Interruptus March 1, 2008

We miss you Jocelyn.  To Jocelyn's family and friends, I hope you find peace.  Not a day goes by that I don't think of you and what we all have lost.  I knew Jocelyn for such a short time, two and a half years, but yet in that short time some of my best and certainly funniest work memories have you in them.  Laughing about T-Rex, fuzzy sweaters, and of course my inate ability to interrupt whatever conversation had you and Marcy laughing loudly.  Funny quotations, beautiful pictures, and of course the smiles on everyone's face around you. 


God bless you and your family.

Paula Elder Early Career of Jocelyn February 29, 2008

Jocelyn worked for me a long time ago in retail in Martinsburg, WV.  I just found out this above today and am shocked.  She was so much fun and always had us laughing.  What I remember most is when we were closing up one store and moving to a smaller one in the Blue Ridge Outlet Center and she would run up to McDonalds for us - she ate more than the rest of us put together!  It must have gone to her toes!  God Bless Jocelyn and her family at this time!

The Kidds Forest, VA February 28, 2008

Our family feels very honored to have known Jocelyn.  She was a great person and needless to say a great athlete.  We played Volleyball for a number of years together and she was so much fun.  She could definitely make you laugh and the twinkle in her eyes will be what keeps her spirit alive.  She'll always be remembered and will hold a special place in our hearts.  May Justice be served. Our hearts go out to her family & friends.     YOU'RE FREE   FLY AWAY......     

Unspoken A Great Loss February 28, 2008
Jocelyn was a funny lady, who didn't look down on people, as many do.  She was always attentive to whoever was speaking, and was a respectful individual, which is, sad to say, rare these days.  I had the pleasure of knowing her for a short time, but am glad that I can say I knew her.  I wish her family peace and happiness from God, and I know that although she is gone from those she loves, she will be reunited with them one day.
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